Monday, August 15, 2011

What a Weekend!

Hello to you all!  So sorry I haven't been writing much in my blog these days.  Things have ramped up in the busy department in the last few months.

An update since the end of June entry - 

I'll get the "c" stuff out of the way first - still going every 3 weeks still for herceptin treatment, and was going weekly to the plastic surgeon for expansions (reconstruction process), but it was getting really painful so we are taking some time away to let my skin and muscles stretch and heal.  I'll be back at the process in the beginning of September and then will have to let the skin and muscles heal some more before my next surgery which will probably be in November/December.  Not looking forward to another surgery, and the challenges of having a very mobile toddler, but we will make it.  

I'm also waiting to hear back from the genetic testing I've had done to determine if there may be a need for another surgery.  The genetic testing will outline if I have the BRCA1 and/or BRCA2 (breast cancer) genes, and if I do my chances of getting ovarian cancer increase to 50% so it would be recommended that I have my ovaries removed if not a complete hysterectomy.  The chances of me having the gene are slim as we have no immediate family history of breast cancer and because of my age - but if I do have the gene the chances of my sister and Keira having it increase too so it is a bit of a stress waiting for that, but keeping positive. On the other hand, if I don't have the gene we may never know why I got cancer in the first place - and I'm coming to terms with the fact that it's just "luck of the draw".  I really can't call it bad luck because I have learned so much about myself in the past year - and I have met some AMAZING people along the way.  

I've been very tired but it's a combination of past and current treatments, training for my walk, and my little one.  Someday I will have some down time to rest - but not today :)

Now on to the rest of life -

Keira turned one and we had a big celebration at our house with all our friends and family.  There was a crazy amount of very generous people here to celebrate the little one's special day - and yes, she was very spoiled.  She is still not walking, but she can get from A to B pretty quickly with that crawl of hers. She gets in to just about everything, as we would expect of a curious 1 year old little girl.  She has been to music class and gym class and we see that she loves to dance.  She has this cute little shake shake that she does with her hips when the music is on - maybe we have a dance star on our hands :)

Oliver, the kids, and I have been camping at Golden Ears and Derby Reach so far this year.  This week Keira and I are off to Cultus Lake with my mom, sister, and my nephews, and Oliver and Aidan are off to Burkenhead. We hope to get another family camp in before the "summer" is over!

I am happy to say I just completed my 60k walk at the Weekend to End Women's Cancers this past weekend.  Not gonna was TOUGH but me, my friend Lisa and her hubby Barry, along with about 1000 other amazing people did the journey together.  We walked the beautiful streets of Vancouver and I'm a little sore and stiff today - but it's nothing I can't handle!  Keira and I did get interviewed and photographed for the 24 Hour Vancouver newspaper, and we were happy to see our smiling faces in today's issue.

Take a look -